“Hymn To Football”

Glory to the football field,
the plain of grass
the bold white numbers
matching the field
Glory to the goal post,
to the goal line,
to the big Panther head
in the center field.

Glory to the eleven navy blue jerseys
warned by eleven,
to the football players
to the uniforms,
their helmets,
their gloves and cleats
their lips puffed out from mouth gaurds
Glory to the football team.

Glory to the victories,
the proud moments,
the cheerfulness of our souls
Glory to the losses
they bring eleven brothers together.
to the strong bond of a growing family.

Glory to the heat,
to the sweat and pain,
to the cool breezes,
to the exhausting day that leave you dog-tired.
Glory to the waterboys,
to the bottles they fill and serve,
to the towels they bring to wipe away the pain.

Glory to the trees and animals,
to the homes the animals had to leave,
to the leaves and branches nevermore
to the loss of oxygen from the trees
the animals that they protected
to the sacrifices made for the football field.

By: Montero B.

Posted on December 13, 2012, in Poetry. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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